Monday, August 22, 2016

The crow came in from the window carrying a dead, half eaten rat.

I was just getting out of bed, not yet fully awake, and saw him/her sitting on the window sill with his offering.

After showing it to me s/he flew off. I had to check if any body parts were left behind. Luckily, there were none.

S/he returned later to pick the daily bread ration. After finishing the rat I suppose.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The crows have not been coming to wake me up for the past couple of days. But if I lay out some food, they are there within no time.

Found out that someone is feeding a lot of food to a lot of crows around the corner.

May be that is the reason they are no longer disturbing me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

You look at profile pictures and albums of your ex-flames or relations and somehow feel happy that things did not work out.

At the same time you look at some other profile pictures and albums and rue that things did not work out.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Morning routine.

Something needs to change for sure. I am not staying awake late or drinking much. Or watching tv till late.

Still I cannot manage to get up early. The first alarm goes off at 5 am. The second at 5.20 am. I switch both off and go back to sleep. Always.

This has to change for sure.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Slow death. Nothing gets done.

Office is kept open due to one man's ego.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Could get used to this.

Wake up late on a working day - actually wake up early, then go back to bed after taking a leak and say fuck it, I am not going to office. But then after an hour get out, get ready and go to work.

Waiting for the bus, realise that this schedule is better - may be. No hurry, take your own time to cook and eat breakfast, get ready and walk out of the office. And reach office an hour later than usual.

Should do this once a week.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The stories stop when you have got a song playing in your head.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


"Where are you?"
On the bus to office.
"Where have you reached?"
"Get off. We have an assignment."
I am not carrying.
"I have a spare piece. Will pick you up in five. I am in a green Suzuki caterer's van."
See you.